Posts tagged my style
WORN: The Freedom of Minimalist Travel

The time of over packing has come and gone. If you're still in your early twenties, it's time. Shake off the illusion of quantity in favor of quality, sanity, and heaven forbid, serenity. Everyone else, it's not cute anymore, get it together.

In summary, you are not Jackson Pollock. Few people can make method out of the madness.

If I was still working that way I would be sitting on the floor with a bottle of wine in hand (no glass), mascara dripping, and a pair of underwear on my head. If you don't feel great in EVERYTHING you've brought, and can't combine with ease, we've got work to do.

I am still evolving, and honing in on these skills, but I want those hours of my life back. So here's to all of us, turning over a new leaf, or at least a step in the right direction (aka maybe don't pack that fourth pair of jeans).

Here are some crazy beautiful pictures by Haley Harned. I'd like to think they demonstrate how happy you can look with a couple of key pieces. You still have room for creativity -- don't worry -- and less room for error.

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