Posts tagged around the house
WORN: Around-The-House Looks

Meet Hana. She's our shop girl, model, and all-around cool ladyfriend who we so lovingly refer to as "The Intern" since that's how her time at Stash began. Hana's got kick-ass style and the ability to mix and match like no other, so it should come as no surprise that we begged her to share some of her style secrets with the rest of us. In this series, Worn, Hana will explore many facets of personal style. 

Disclosure: Versatility is one of the things I value most in my closet apart from straight-up good pieces. The ability to mix and match with ease gives me a lot of much needed room for creativity. While this might make it seem like my closet is positively bursting, I do think I manage to keep things qualitative over quantitive. 

Some of my few and favorite looks can be attributed to the vintage pieces I have accumulated through time spent at Stash Collective. Needless to say, these staples are now over fifty percent of my wardrobe.

I came upon vintage when I was at the peak of some serious mainstream retail frustration and aggression. I typically don't revisit the halls of the mall because the shopping experience is pretty disappointing, exhausting, and over-stimulating. So when I am working, or browsing the vintage at my favorite collective (yes, that's right), and I overhear the devastating phrase,  "I love this but I don't know how to wear it," I die a little inside. 

I thought maybe I could demonstrate how to incorporate vintage in your day-to-day wear, whether that means it is interspersed with your modern pieces or an entirely vintage ensemble. Whatever the case, I hope this inspires you find the vintage look that is right for you. 

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